Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Time to move on!

Two days have passed since the historic municipal election.  Since my goal is to achieve meaningful political dialogue, I must abandon my relentless pursuit of Dr. Pellow.  But there is still one thing I have to get off my chest.  A gentlemanly thing to do after losing an election, is to call the victor and concede defeat.  A public statement is also customary.  To his credit, Kimmo has done both of these things.  Dr. Pellow has not.  I promise to quit harassing him (albeit indirectly), but a public statement of concession on his part would have been appreciated.  It might have softened the people's opinion of him.  This type of closing statement brings closure to the campaign and shows a certain degree of humility and professionalism.  I wonder if we will ever hear anything from Dr. William Pellow again.  I will leave him to his privacy and solitude.  I suppose I owe him at least that much as a fellow member of the human race. 

And now, for something completely different...


  1. I heard today that Teddy Burns was seen moving Dr. Pellow things out of the apartment he was renting in town. I guess the question that was asked to Dr. Pellow at the debate on Monday Oct. 18, 2010 has been answered. The question was, "If you are not elected as the Mayor of Chapleau, will you still stay and help us out." Dr. Pellow like always never answers questions, so his only comment was "I will be the Mayor."

  2. I don't think that you or Dennis or hardly anyone ever "harassed" Dr. Pellow - and I think that he had a fundamental misunderstanding of what is entailed in running for public office. If you don't want someone to be elected and disagree with his statements, positions and ideas, then it is right and proper to express yourself strongly. Nobody called Bill four-letter names, or pursued purely ad-hominem attacks - even the lines of questions relating to whether his devotion to Chapleau would survive losing were perfectly licit. People doubted his sincerity, and as it turns out, probably rightly so. Bill wanted to be Mayor for his own gratification, and also most likely to be able to ensure that his grave-site was well irrigated. He couldn't even summon the common courtesy of graciously congratulating the man who won. Bill has many impressive accomplishments to his credit, but something like 70% of the people who voted agree with me that he would have made a damned bad Mayor.

  3. When this campaign for mayor first started I will admit that I thought that Bill might be a good thing for this town till I asked my first question to him, then we all know how that ended.
    I saw him walking on the big day(monday election day) and said goodmorning to him. He responded with a good morning back but it was killing him to say that. I know that it was eating away at him. The reason I know this is that I am reading his book Overalls to Scrubs. You really can tell what kind of a person that he is from it. My thoughts of him being self rightious and pompass are even more so now that I have read it.
    We had touched on his superb spelling well wow his book is littered with typo's and many people's names are spelt wrong.For example he is talking about Ernie LaRush yet spells his last name LaRouche. There are instances like this on almost everypage.
    This town told him that we aren't interested.
    Funny thing is that if we had all bowed our heads to Bill he would have done all he could but wow he sure didnt respect the tax payers in this
    I am glad he is gone.

  4. Thanks Dennis and others for your input. I feel better knowing that MOST people saw the man for who he really was. I am reading Overalls to Scrubs as well and it is a real eye-opener. I may have seemed a bit obsessed with this character who was running for mayor, but I had my reasons. I refused to just sit back on the sidelines and let the election campaign take its course. I participated in the only way I knew how. I had to do everything in my power to make sure this Pellow fellow did not get in. Thankfully, many sensible people in town also felt the same way and offered their input and support through this forum. Perhaps for a few weeks, I did not have a life. I have a wife and three children, so I have very little spare time on a good day. I devoted much of it to this site. The fact that I still receive so many hits means that people ARE interested. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon, even if I do meet a troll now and then.

    Thanks again for everyone's support.

  5. It's sad really, when you think about it. Why are my kids in sports ? It's not only about the sport, but also to learn about winning and losing graciously, celebrating victories without rubbing people's noses in it and accepting defeat without playing the blame game or being a sore loser. I was really put off by the fact that Dr. Bill did not call André to congratulate him. He went on and on during the campaign about getting donations so that kids can participate in sports. I would think (and hope!) that this is because he believes in the points I've mentioned. And yet, here he is being the worst role model possible. This is a sad day in Mudville. Might Billy has struck out!
