I have the utmost respect for the people who choose to serve in public life. To have a part in running a city or town is no easy task. It is a thankless job that few people even think about unless things go wrong. Yet, these are men and women who have worked hard to get where they are. They pound the pavement to drum up support during their campaign. If elected, they have four years of council meetings, committees and listening to public concerns or even complaints. The ever fickle taxpayer has to see results, the most bang for their hard-earned buck. A four-year term can take its toll on anyone who runs for mayor or councillor. I tip my hat (or would if I wore one) to the brave men and women who devote their time and energy to try to give us all something better.
Which brings me to my main point of the day. I knew Dr. Pellow would have something waiting for us eager political observers in Saturday's Chapleau Express. He did not disappoint. The voluminous two-page spread was the most ambitious foray yet from the would-be mayor. I guess the paper was running a little light this week and needed some filler. What did we learn? The good doctor obviously has a serious beef with the current municipal council. From snappy dressing to the length and format of the meeting, nothing was safe. His lengthy rant wanders hither and thither and is sprinkled with unrelated photos from campaign stops and the infamous bean supper. I hope the undecided voters decided to ignore their instincts and actually read the article. Dr. Pellow's disdain for the current administration knows no bounds. Maybe if he wasn't so busy burning bridges, he'd have some support left.
There are barely two weeks left in the campaign. What else does Dr. William Pellow have in store for us? Stay tuned to find out.
I think that his article reflects the man!