Friday, October 15, 2010

New call center to open in Chapleau

Isn't this exciting news?  A new industry for Chapleau.

Sorry folks, I'm only fooling.  But our own Dr. Pellow does have a new idea up his sleeve.  I learned today of his newest form of canvassing the townspeople.  While many would think that knocking on every door would suffice, Bill Pellow does not stop there.  His team is trying to recruit local high school students to phone people in town and ask if they got his fancy little paper.  He approached both schools, so at least he is an equal opportunist (this time anyway).  If the person has the flyer, they are then asked if Dr. Pellow can count on their vote.  If they have not received the documentation, they are to ask for their address, so a copy can be delivered to the home or business.  In two days time, they are to call back to see if they got the paper.  I'll feature more on the paper and what it stands for in a future post.

I take issue with this strategy.  First of all, the highschool students I know, are far too busy to undertake this kind of activity.  With jobs, homework and sports, who's got time to call strangers about an election?  They are busy enough talking to their friends, anyway.  Secondly, why is he asking poor teenagers to do his dirty work?  They can't vote yet, so maybe this has something to do with it.  Maybe he's hoping that they have not heard of him and will jump at the chance to make a few bucks?  As a poster recently stated, Dr. Pellow has become a very polarizing figure in our town lately.  I don't know of anyone (unless they were in a coma?) that has not heard of him.  Everyone has their opinion of him, to be sure.

I think this may be one of his last ditch attempts at reaching the electorate.  I'll let you all know if I happen to get a call between now and election day.


  1. Well Mr.X I met Billy tonight. You should have seen his face when I told him my It was a good meet with him I told him what I thought and then had a good conversation with Ted afterward I think that his site should be up and running again by tomorrow or at least thats the impression that I got. Were you there? Did you get a chance to talk to him?

  2. At the Fall Fair? I didn't have a chance to go due to family issues. We'll all try to make it tomorrow if everyone's up to it.

    I would have loved to have seen the look on his face.
