Friday, October 29, 2010

Attack ads

While it may not be directly Chapleau related, it would appear that another election campaign has already begun.  The Ontario provincial election is set to take place on October 6th, 2011.  That's almost a whole year until the election.  But that has not stopped Tim Hudak from starting the campaign early.  I saw an attack ad on televivion the other night.  The Conservatives say that the Liberals are costing taxpayers too much money.  They say it's time for a ... (wait for it!) change!  Now there's a word we don't hear often in a campaign!  At least there's a decent amount of mudslinging in a provincial campaign. 

I'm used to seeing Hallowe'en items for sale in September and Christmas stuff in October.  Yet, I think it's still a tad early for campaigning.  I think the Tories hope they can get the upper hand on the Liberals if they start now.  Now, I'm not saying the Liberals are infallible.  But I sill feel the sting of the Mike Harris years.  The damage they have caused will take many more years for us to forget.  They'll have to do something pretty spectacular to get me to vote for them, at any rate.

As long as they don't call McGuinty an evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet again, this should be an interesting campaign.

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