Thursday, October 21, 2010

Record voter turnout in Chapleau!

For yesterday's advance poll, 219 voters exercised their right.

Combined with last Sunday's totals, that makes 388 people who voted early.  That's 22.22% of eligible voters.

This is the highest advance voter turnout in at least 25 years!  People really want their voice heard!

It will be very interesting to see what kind of end result this will give on October 25th.  It's sure to be a nailbiter!

Stay tuned, true believers!


  1. Do you have Dr. Who's spell check:)

  2. Doh! I missed one! That's ok. After all, I'm not a wordsmith, so I'm allowed a few typos now and then.

  3. Hey this is an enjoyable experience! Spell check or not! :)
