Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Teddy the environmentalist

One of the more intense moments of the all-candidates night, was Teddy Burns' questioning of candidate Larry Lacroix.  Mr. Burns seems quite concerned about all the creosote laden railway ties that will be processed at the new energy plant once it opens.  What's the matter, Teddy?  Are you afraid they'll run out of railway ties and set their sights on your house next?

Teddy even went as far as comparing this project to Chernobyl.  Come on now, this is just ridiculous!  The Ministry of the Environment is always involved in such projects to make sure they are safe.  It's the law!  Besides, Chernobyl was a NUCLEAR accident in the former Soviet Union.  We're talking about burning pieces of chemical soaked wood at extremely high temperatures.  This is proven technology that has been successfully utilized elsewhere.  We don't need another important project derailed by misinformation and panic.

Some have even stated that Larry, if elected, will have a conflict of interest by being on council.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  He would be an asset to the future town council.  Since he is a stakeholder in the energy project, it's his neck on the line as well.  Add to this the fact that this new industry will also benfit the town as a whole.  How can we lose?  Well, Teddy Burns is Dr. Pellow's campaign manager and part of his inner circle.  If you think Teddy opposes this project, what do you think his Grand Master thinks?  If this guys is elected mayor, will he throw the proverbial monkey wrench into this essential project?  Can we afford to take this chance?  We have lost enough time and money over the years from stunts like this.  Let's use our brains instead of our hearts (thanks Teddy) and elect a council that will work for all of us!


  1. I couldn't agree with you more.
    The realization of this plant will give much needed jobs in this town. Real jobs that last year round not like tourism.
    Don't get me wrong but the only people that gain from tourism are the businesses that are already here. Sure maybe some tourists will come here, eat in a restaurant, rent a motel room, maybe even do a little shopping.
    The problem with this is that with the recent economic crunch being felt all around the world people ARE NOT traveling like they used to.
    This town needs full time permenant jobs.
    Think of it this way. When the Energy Plant does finally open up, even if there are only 8 permenant jobs. Thats 8 more families that will make Chapleau there home. For arguement sake we will say about13 adults (cause not all people are and maybe as much as 10-15 more kids.
    Am I making myself clear? I'm sure that tourism has it's place here too but we MUST concentrate on permenant jobs.
    On a side note maybe Bill will employ all these people to make the graveyard
    Just my opinion.

  2. Well said, Dennis.

    As I have said before, without new industry, where can this town go? Enough ideas have been poo-pooed in the past by other nutjobs with an agenda. Tourism is a short-term economic activity (with many spinoffs, granted) whilst new industry creates long-term economic benefits for us all. If you build it, they will come.

  3. Just so people understand the technology, the ties are burnt in a plasma torch. A plasma flame is so hot (around ten thousand degrees Celcius)that is completely vaporizes the object, in this case railroad ties. The gas that forms the plasma is typically a naturally occuring gas such as argon and it's a simple radio frequency that excites the gas molecules which result in heat. I used plasma torches to completely vaporize geological samples for analysis. Trust me, once it's gone into a plasma torch, there's nothing left.
    The Ministry of the Environment is so persnickety that they will not issue a permit if there is even a remote chance of contamination. Bad things have happened in the past with various industries such as mines and pulp and paper plants so now, no chances are taken.
    This is a legitimate industry which will create jobs with a good salary which is what all northern Ontario towns want. The bonus is that the biomass plant will generate electricity which will help the town attract more industries, which means more jobs, which means more people, and so on.

  4. Well, we are to watch the trains go by on the webcams. Good plan! Watch them trains go by on Creosote less tracks from Eastern to Western Canada! Exposed to our pristine wilderness unlike being covered by a shelter covering 3 football fields in the case of the Chapleau project. Hello! Omar the tent maker will make a fortune covering them tracks!
