There was much commotion lately when councillor Bertrand has attempted to dictate what committee a local volunteer could sit on. She also tried to tell the committee how they should conduct their meetings and that their current method of organization was not acceptable. These comments were met with opposition by Michael Levesque, the chair of the Recreation Committee. He has shown that he is doing an excellent job, as are all the other members of this vibrant, valuable and badly needed group. They extraordinary efforts must be commended. Let's not let one bad apple spoil all the hard work that has been done so far. Keep up the good work! Chapleau needs you!
Perhaps councillor Bertrand should look to her own behaviour before being too concerned about hard-working community members who have taken the time to contribute by attempting to join a committee. She has still not yet publicly explained her actions as of late. As a result, her credibility has been seriously damaged and everything said by her will be examined more closely than ever. Even though, through legal technicalities, there is nothing much that the taxpayers of Chapleau can do about her misconduct, we will certainly not forget.
The gravy train ends in 2014! (Of course, sooner would be better).
Thru the last night's Council Meeting, THAT Councillor, again, said "personal reasons", for why she was declaring the Conflict of Interest. Why not be truly honest and say "direct Family members involved" or something to that effect ?
ReplyDeleteEVERY COI anywhere is for "personal reasons" if you think about it. Why the intentional vagueness on her part ?
OK...Port Colborne has of this moment,
ReplyDeletebroken the TEN LARGE theshold...we CAN NOT allow this travesty to continue.....VOTE, VOTE, VOTE !!!! with the same rampant fervour and unbridled enthusiasm that you'd use to boot the "ROSIE" from office !!!!
ReplyDelete....Town Council Trickery afoot...
The Open Forum scheduled for next Monday, May 9th, is now a Budget Meet with the Open Forum tacked on...and starts at 6 P.M. and NOT the usual re-schedule your supper-time accordingly.
Proof of the above is at the Town web-site where this new-name and new-time is in BOLD so we'll notice.
Councillor Bernier, NOT AT May 9th's Open Forum.
ReplyDeleteCouncillor Bertrand, NOT AT May 9th's Open Forum.
any thoughts ?
Councillor Berniers grandfather died the night before, I think that is good enough reason.
ReplyDeleteMr. X...or Mrs. or Miss. or mineral, animal, vegetable...who the Heck's been 3 weeks since your last headline,,,,
ReplyDeleteWell, Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous, or whoever YOU are...I find that things have been going rather well as of late in Chapleau. Of course Mrs. Bertrand is still a councillor, but this isn't a perfect or a just world, now is it? Furthermore, I have a full-time job, a wife and three kids. Work and family have always come before this site. Some may question the relevance of what myself and Kimmo are doing online. I have great admiration and respect for Kimmo for what he does. The fact that he HAS gone to some council meetings is admirable. People expect the same from me. I am not an activist. I am involved in this community in several ways which are completely my own business. That is my choice. This site was only ever meant to be an open forum to discuss the disconnect between the electorate and our representatives. Nothing more. I feel, that it has been doing exactly that. If some of you don't like it, leave a comment and suggest something else. I'll do what I can to accomodate. But I can't change who I am. If you no longer feel that this site is relevant, don't read it. Simple enough for you Code4?
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime, I will try and post something truly thought provoking in the very near future. I can't remember anything monumental having happened in the last month, but I'll check just in case I missed something.
Peace out.
ReplyDeleteI feel the poster, May 13th @ 9:41, was simply saying that we haven't heard from you in a while.
Your headline is always substantive, and your then content is always thought-provoking and reflective, as is evidenced by more yeahs than nays to every article you've proferred.
Please don't go all "Graham Bertrand" on that eventual next poster, who's simply and innocently enquiring as to where you've been.
Keep up the good work and word....I check both sites at least once a day.
you would have found something "truly thought provoking" if you'd gone to the meetings....don't you get that ?
ReplyDeleteso you're saying that simply going to a Council Meeting makes you an activist ?'re already an activist, by the act of creating this blog !...with the intent of holding the new council to account...and then Councillor Rose came along, with her mis-steps and perfunderies and outright screw-ups that become your nourishment and our fodder....
...You Sir. ...Miss....Mrs. we still don't know who you are.......are an ACTIVIST !!!!
My apologies. The intent of the original comment seemed not so innocent at the time. I was also responding to Code4's ramblings about me on Kimmo's site. I have no idea if they ever post to my site as everyone (except for Dennis in the past) is always known simply as Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate everybody's support. Thanks again.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteyou would have found something "truly thought provoking" if you'd gone to the meetings....don't you get that ?
As I stated many times before...I simply don't have time. I barely have time to maintain this site. I hope you can deal with that.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteso you're saying that simply going to a Council Meeting makes you an activist ?'re already an activist, by the act of creating this blog !...with the intent of holding the new council to account...and then Councillor Rose came along, with her mis-steps and perfunderies and outright screw-ups that become your nourishment and our fodder....
...You Sir. ...Miss....Mrs. we still don't know who you are.......are an ACTIVIST !!!!
Gosh, thanks! I never thought of it that way. I consider many of you who go to the meetings as more ''active'' than me. But as I said, I'm doing things the only way I know how. I'm glad many of you have noticed.
BBBBRRRRRRuuuuuuuu ck......buck, buck, buck, buck.....bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrr ck.....buck,buck, buck, buck..... and Kimmo can't have a SITTER for 2 hours !!! ???
....Kimmo sends his wife to the Monday meeting...."I was unable to attend" says he....
....where's the Sitter ?
..and then his wife's copied diatribe on his site is nothing but lame and derivative...and true evidence of her level of semi-post-secondary-holy crap we hope it takes- education.
Not in a Million years are you gonna put this up.
Watch me...I just did.
ReplyDeleteI am certain that you go to every single council meeting. Good for you.
As far as your attempt to simultaneously defecate on Kimmo and myself, it makes you look like a king-sized jerk with nothing better to do that annoy people and get in their faces. Kinda reminds me of Code4.
You seem like possibly a somewhat intelligent life form. Try using your talents for good. Our town needs it. All this negative energy is bad for your Karma.
Peace out.
You 2.
ReplyDeleteSTOP IT. !
to NEUTRAL corners, please. !
Mr. are getting toooo defencive
I've got three people to read the post above yours. they agree it's about you and Mr. Kimmo being barnyard poultry about *not* going to meetings
I don't get the Mr. Kimmo wife remark, I hear shes a nice lady
Mr X you called that Poster a jerk
I don't see where you were called *anything* even close to something like that.
See exactly how you feel next time someone calls you a giant chicken. Excuse me for being a little defensive. I'm sick and tired of (most likely) the same people always complaining that other people don't go to council meetings. Worry about your own performance. How about holding our elected officials to task. Isn't that what we're supposed to be doing here? I only said the poster was acting LIKE a jerk. Big difference, no? He sure tore a strip off Kimmo's wife.
ReplyDeleteI agree, more neutrality would be welcome around here. It's hard when people keep flinging mud at you. I'm getting tired of ducking.
Don't shoot me folks...I'm just the messenger.
Soooo nice to see that some people are perfect and can never be pleased no matter what. People should save their comments for the politics and respect Mr X and Kimmo's family's decisions regarding child care. Grow up and try to be productive. It is great that both these men and their families put their children first. Their choices regarding their children should NEVER be a reason to disrespect them.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the most recent poster. I have a kid who is with the sitter all day and the last thing I want to do is turf him off to one in the evening and sitters are expensive these days so if there isn't two working parents, who can afford it. Also, instead of calling the woman stupid (or whatever you called her) why not specifically say what you disagree with about her opinion. I personally want to know if my taxes go up if we start recycling. MrX... Do you know anything about where we are with the recycling issue and if we are looking at a tax increase?
ReplyDelete"not in a million years are you going to put this up"
ReplyDeleteand then you go and put it up
with it's insult to Mr. Kimmo wife
are you not the moderator. ?
why publish that with insult to Mr'Kimmo wife
the person on My 19th siad not in a million years, and then you go and publish it
ReplyDeleteeven tho it had a insult to Kimmo's wife's level of education....
Anon May 20 at baiter you....
ReplyDeleteto Anon, May 20th @ 7:35.
ReplyDeleteyou corruptive velch.
Mr. X is no more able to behoove your Q than the extorting of the Manager of the Maple Leafs "we're gonna take this...all the way" can.!
Dentist Pellow is sniffing around again.
ReplyDeleteOUT OUT Damned Spot. !
Dr. Yellow replacing Dr. Shearer.
No. for all that is good and holy,
to Anon May 20th 8:37 & Anon May 20th 9:01: if he would have done otherwise it would be a (mild but significant) form of censorship. Do you not recall who last excercised this practice on his blogging site? I hate to bring up the past but I'll refresh your memory, for reason's sake... a Chapleau mayoral candidate... a recurring subject of conversation (or debate, if you will) on this site. It doesn't take a practiced interweb user or social genius to know that whatever you post, you post at your own risk. Why should Mr.X have to cover up for a spineless bombast?
ReplyDeleteGood that someone resurects an older thread.
Blog owners have to be careful what to print.
a blog is the printed word, same as a newspaper...newspapers get sued all the time...though most times without success.