Friday, April 8, 2011

The right to decide

While the current federal election campaign may be on some peoples minds lately, it illustrates a very important fact about our democratic system.  Many of us take our democracy and our right to vote for granted.  This happens at every level of government in Canada.  Voter apathy is a growing problem.  While the rate of participation in our last municipal election was an improvement, we can still do much better.  Many people in Canada have questioned the necessity of the latest federal election.  While that may be a valid argument, there is something even more important at stake: the future.  If you don't want things to be exactly as they were before the election call, get out and VOTE!  Maybe then, something will change and this will not all seem like an exercise in futility.  Let's not forget the millions of people around the world who would love to have a say in how THEIR country is governed (Lybia, China and many others).  If they ever do get the right to vote, I doubt they would ever choose not to exercise their right.  It makes me sick when I hear that people are deciding not to vote.  Every Canadian citizen has a responsibility to be informed and do their civic duty to elect a government that represents them.  Apathy leads to lots of minority governments and scandalous behaviour by a man who likes to wear sweaters and his party who think they can do whatever they want and get away with it.  The only way to change this is to get out and vote and show the man in charge that we will not be ignored and taken for granted anymore.

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