Thursday, March 3, 2011

Real transparency

Governments, at all levels in Canada, often speak of transparency.  We all know how poorly the Harper Conservatives have kept their promises to be transparent.  Unfortunately, as recent events have shown, our municipal government has not done any better.  I seem to remember that accountability and transparency were frequently used terms during the election campaign.  And where are we today?  Are council minutes on a website or in the newspaper considered real transparency?  It's a start, but I think more, much more needs to be done to restore faith in our local municipal council.  First of all, this ongoing conflict of interest business has to be addressed and dealt with in a timely fashion.  Very difficult, for as far as I'm concerned, too much time has gone by already.  I also believe there should be a list of all the committees, boards and such (in the municipal sphere of influence) and who exactly sits on these boards.  Are they all elected to these positions?  What are they paid (if anything) for their work?  Municipal council is only one piece of the puzzle of who is running our town and what their possible motivations for doing so may be.  Such knowledge is essential in understanding how our town works and who is doing what.  We as living, breathing taxpayers deserve nothing less.

1 comment:

  1. Every town needs a site like this, but it is very confusing reading people's comments since everyone is "annonymous" for some reason. Perhaps if everyone who posted required a profile, that would let readers keep track of who posted what. Profiles wouldn't require their real name, just a User name.
    Sorry, wasn't sure where I could post this but a topic about "transparacy" seemed kind of appropriate.
