Saturday, September 17, 2011

Property owners beware!

Especially those in the downtown core.  Dog walkers are a common sight in some parts of Chapleau.  The first thing I look for when I see dog walkers (or anyone walking their dog, for that matter) is a plastic bag in hand for picking up the dog's excrement.  Not only is this the polite and neighbourly thing to do, it's also the law.  I regularly see dog walkers all over Chapleau.  To my shock, I saw a woman letting her dog take a big dump on the lawn of Trinity United Church!  As if this was not bad enough, she continued on her way as if nothing had happened.  No bag, no picking up.  Next time, I'll make sure to bring my camera with me on my walk.  You never know what you'll see!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Tim Hudak pulls a John Tory!

Allow me, if you will, to divert your attention to the provincial election campaign, already in progress.  Premier Dalton McGuinty has offered an incentive to employers to hire newly arrived skilled canadian workers.  Tim Hudak, in a rush to disagree with a Liberal policy announcement, has referred to these new arrivals as "foreign workers".  The backlash continues.  Nevermind the reactions to the original policy announcement, Hudak is getting tons of attention for his turn of phrase...bad attention.

Will this be the wedge issue, like religion in schools that dogged John Tory during the 2007 campaign, for Tim Hudak?  Only time will tell.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Public works

Glad to see some much needed paving work has been undertaken this summer.  At this rate, almost all of our streets are actually paved with asphalt.  Can't wait until they pave Ash, Minto (half) and Elgin.  Maybe next summer?  Some of our sidewalks still could use some tlc.  A random patch in front of the United Church was fixed recently.  Why this particular location?  There are far worse patches on nearby Pine Street.  Interesting...

On another note, does anyone know what happened to Kimmo's site?