Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Phase 2

Drilling work continues on the Borden Lake property.  Things seem to be moving rather quickly.  I have spoken to a few people who are quite skeptical about the whole affair.  While I do tend to be overly optimistic, it seems quite clear that there is great potential for the site.  This is good news for all of us.  Hopefully, in the near future, after the second-phase drilling is complete, some more concrete announcements will be made.  Then we can really see what the future holds for Chapleau.

Here is the latest update from Probe Mines:

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How ironic...

It is a strange happening that only recently, Dr. Young's massive apartment buiding was razed to the ground.  Only a few weeks later, the man himself, at the impressive age of 95, has shuffled of this mortal coil.  While I am not trying to explicitly suggest that these two events are related, it is certainly an interesting set of events to ponder.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Golden opportunity

Here is another article on the Borden Lake gold find.

Looks very encouraging to say the least.  From what I understand, second phase drilling should soon be underway.

I'll keep everyone posted if there is any more news.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Monkey wrench

It is with great satisfaction that I read the news release about the recent drug bust in the area.  I am also glad that none of the individuals were young offenders.  As a result, the names of all apprehended were made public.  Most of the group of ten were from Chapleau and Brunswick House First Nation.  A frequent statement of our small town is that there is nothing for the youth to do and, as a result, many turn to drugs as a form of recreational activity.  While this may be the case for some, if the supply of recreational drugs (all of which are illegal, I might add), then the problem would certainly diminish.  While Chapleau needs entrepreneurs and economic development, this kind of activity is not what any of us need.  It is a burden on our families, health care and social support networks.  The people apprehended are the lowest form of the lowest common denominator.  They live off the misery and suffering of others.  I commend the success of the local OPP detatchment.  In a war on drugs often seen as futile, let's hope these casualties go a long way in ensuring a brighter and more stable future for all of us.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A brighter future

I recently made this discovery accidentally on Google.  The article is dated November 2nd, 2010.

While I was already aware of the Borden Lake project, this latest news is indeed uplifiting.  Let's hope things get rolling sooner rather than later.  The price of gold is currently 1,384.02 USD / oz. 

More to follow as this story develops.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


While we wait for the new municipal council to begin their mandate, I was wondering if anyone had any items they would like to address.  I firmly believe that this election campaign has energized people like never before.  It is my hope that this new eneergy will bring about many positive changes in our community.  I for one, feel that establishing new industries should be the main priority, as any other improvements to our community will no doubt trickle down from there.  Let me know what you think is important for the future of Chapleau.  I am anxious to hear what the people of Chapleau have to say.