Isn't it easier to find out exactly what went on at a council meeting by reading the minutes published on the Internet or in the newspaper? I'm curious as to how many people were quick enough to catch the original conflict of interest from the January 10th council meeting. Or, was it not discovered until afterwards when folks had the time to sift through the print version. I'm not saying anything against going to the meetings. They are public so that people can see the municipal government in action. So that we get to see Doug Greig asleep in all his glory. Or we can see what kind of clothes the councillors are wearing. But to truly analyze the facts, you have almost no choice than to examine the written version of the council minutes. That is why they exist and why they are made available.
To those of you who can and choose to attend council meetings in person, I salute you. Continue to do so as long as you feel it is necessary and effective. For those of us who do not do so, perhaps we will someday. In the meantime, we will continue to stay informed by all the means at our disposal. We live among you, work among you and pay municipal taxes just as you all do. In my opinion, that gives us just as much right to pronounce, speculate, criticize and voice our opinions as any one else in town. With a clear conscience, I can say that I did indeed cast my ballot on October 25th, 2010. This site is my continued way of exercising my guaranteed democratic right in the best way I know how.
Mr. X
ReplyDeleteI must say a "thank you" to you for your web site. I feel you have given a place for the people of Chapleau to vent, rage, and gosip as well as a place to be kept informed on current events.
Your democratic rights have been was raped as illegal acts were committed during the January 10th meeting. Had the council chamber been full of ratepayers, the same would have happened, probably with the same end results. The guilty party does not seem to have any qualms about having been fraudulent, and it seems like most ratepayers agree with her actions as they stand by and watch. The council has been tainted and will continue to be so until she resigns. In the meantime a continuance of the Township’s day to day operation, as in the past, is obviously in the control of an unelected individual.
ReplyDeleteYou have hit the proverbial nail on the head! That is what many of us believe is the bigger problem in Chapleau, but everyone is afraid to confront it. This individual is really running the show and Chapleau will continue to fester until this is no longer the case.
ReplyDeleteOh and thank you, to the first poster to respond to this entry. That is the aim of this site and as long as there is something to discuss, I'll keep on truckin'.
Mr X.
ReplyDeleteThere are more problems with this town then just the council.
I could use numerous instances but this is the one that I choose to address tonight.
For instance, Lets say that you work at a place and you give your notice that you are quitting and moving out of town to take another job. The staff that you work with has a "going away" party for you and buy you gifts.
Now your 2 weeks notice is done, you leave your job for this out of town job, the job that you left has been posted and people have applied but yet after 10 days you decide that you dont like your new job so you come back and get your job back because you have a close personal relationship to your boss and the board that governs the place that you work?
Now Thats one for you to think about.
Thats the issue I chose tonight out of many instances that could have been used.
If this site is to bring issues to the table then things are about to get heated up like crazy in this town as things have been past over and swept under the rug long enough.
This informative message brought to you by:
ReplyDeleteIf the place of work has a union, such a thing would never be allowed to happen. I know some people love to bash unions, but they have their place. At any rate, this particular story is quite tragic. It would certainly make for a lot of hard feelings in a small town such as ours where everybody knows everybody else...
Going to Council meetings represents about 6 hours a month. I'm sure everybody in Chapleau can afford that!
ReplyDeleteSo Mayor |Byham is embarrassed because the Twp does not have a code of conduct. He shud be embarassed. Ws he not the deputy mayor for 4 years, he could have easilly introduced the Code of Conduct. One example of him being a follower and not a leader. Apparetnly when he was questionned at the last council meeting about the code, he couldn't even explain what it was. I quesss the councillor that had self appointed himself as sheriff, judge and hangman did not fill the mayor in as to what he and the grass routes group wanted.
ReplyDeleteDennis B. did the mayor and the grass routes gro9up send you to the C|HS reunion meeting, drunk, so yu wuld cut down the previous may9or, councillor greig and staff and try and ruin a reunion for everyone else. maybe you didn't go to high school here, but lots of people did. I think you owe this committee and all the names mentioned, that w2ere not there an apology.
I would suggest that shud be your ne3xt poll!!
Drunk, thats no excuse. This committee is working very hard at this Reunion and you have the nerve to cut them down, and call them "idiots".
ReplyDeleteThanking the editor of the "Chapleau Enquiror" what a joke that is. All one sided I can imagine where he is getting his info from, but I will leave that up to you to ponder. Unfortunately, in most paper, and I won't even say newspaper, there tends to be some truth, not all inaccurate information.
U know what they say, give them enough rope and they will hang themselves.
Next Poll What about people who abuse their spouses. What shud be done with them. Publize their names on facebook or newspaper?
ReplyDeleteSounds like someone has really crossed the line here. If it was broacasted on facebook that my spouse abuses me, I would run not walk to the authorities. Very, very sad.. I feel for the family in Chapleau that these comments are being publically displayed. True or not, it is no one business and harassement.
ReplyDeleteJust a comment on the chapleau enquiror--so a hockeytournament was cancelled and money lost.
ReplyDeleteThe ski-doo club has publically annoounced tht the Drag Races during the carnival was cancelled due to lack of financial support from council. Anyone know what $ was lost here.
maybe this club should start fundraising like the ski-hill and stop sucking money from the town hall.
i was at a chs meeting when the mayor was there, and he made promises and like everything else, nothing has happened. go figure
ReplyDeleteI would not only run to the authorities, I would seek damages for both spouses and if kids involved, for them also, as this will affect everyone for the rest of their life. An apology--damage is done--most are just interested in the jucies--they really don't care what the correct story is.
ReplyDelete"""IDIOTS""" what.
ReplyDeleteMoney is not lost if you didn't have it in the first place. Instead of the motel owner complaining that he lost money because of cancellation of sports weekend, fish derby, hockey tournament, drag races, he should put out a few bucks to help out these groups and reap the benefits. Why didn't he donate to the Snowmobile Club the amount that they asked the twp for?
ReplyDeleteI travelled many years ago with my kids to various events, and even in small places like Iron Bridge, motels wwere offering 10-15 or even $20.00 off of room, or providing a chit for 1 free breakfast/room or even free coffee. It makes a difference.
I have been involved in booking 10 plus rooms here in chapleau for an event and couldn't get a free coffee let alone a deal on rooms. Tells you something, doesn't it?
The BIA should get together with various organizing committees and see what then can offer to help out here, instead of sitting back and bitching that they lost money.
I pay my taxes for services like health care, roads, not to fund the motels so they don't loose money.
Dennis, whatever hootch you were drinking the night of the chs meeting, I would like some. Then I can call my boss and idiot and use the excuse I was drunk lol.
ReplyDeleteAmazing how some people can be so narrow minded. This isn’t about a motel owner. It’s about local economy and that includes 4 motels, 4 restaurants, 2 confectionneries and downtown stores. It’s all about making it easier for these businesses to pay municipal taxes so that you can drive on paved streets, so that the town can plough your streets and sidewalks. Instead of putting down business owners that help you have what you have and enjoy in Chapleau take a look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what you do for this community. The businesses pay a great chunk of the taxes needed for you to be happy. Deals would propably be available on rooms if events were not cancelled year after year.
ReplyDeleteI agree with previous Anonymous as to how some people can be so narrow minded. But the other Anomymous must be related to Doug Greig or probably is Doug Greig I mean, do you not realize that these entrepreneurs pay at least 12,000 bucks in taxes each year and some much much more? Do you not realize how many people they employ at their place of business? Do you not realize that if they do not make a profit they will have to LAY-OFF EMPLOYEES and that these employees will probably have to move out of town and that their business will have to close down if we the community does not support them? Do you realize that if they close down, they are not paying the $12,000 per year in taxes which means that YOUR taxes will have to go UP UP UP if YOU want to have your health care and your roads? Wake up man! Those small entrepreneurs are not TEMBEC and CPR but they sure hire a lot of employees and unlike TEMBEC THEY pay their taxes which keeps this presently going nowhere town afloat. I swear you must be related to Doug Greig to be so narrow minded, heck you're probably him.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know the reasoning behind the decision to not leave the ice in an extra week?
ReplyDeleteWell, alot has been said on the "Conflict of Interest" topic andas a life long resident of this community all I have to say is that I am sure that everyone at some point has been guilty of the COI at some point in our lives. Whether it be intentional or not, to benefit our family, children, or friends etc., without realizing it we probably are guilty. Our community has also has alot of volunteers that dedicate their time unpaid to benefit everyone else, if at some point they get a little pay back of some sort, who are we to judge. I see the same faces at various events donating their time again and again, it's time to see some new faces out there. Those making the negative comments should stop pointing fingers, the list could be endless if we don't stop, it's everywhere! I haven't seen any comments about our hospital, that is also supported by our tax dollars!!! It has it's fair share of COI as well. All I know is that sometimes you look the other way because no one else is stepping up to the plate.
ReplyDeleteYes but we cannot buy into this as a proper way to live our lifes. We cannot as a society put up with it. If you are guilty of such offences, so be it is what I understand from your post. It shouldn't be that way! Fingers are pointed because illegal activities have been taken place. The hospital has nothing to do with this, we are talking about our administration. One thing at a time!
ReplyDeleteI beg to differ, if you attended Council Meetings you would understand that the Twp of Chapleau supports the Hospital and Cedar Grove with major dollars yearly. Yes, the hospital is also tied into this administration wise, and there are some stories, good or bad, true or false, similiar what you read on the this blog. It's your choice who you want to point the finger at. Also, illegal is a strong word to use in the sense of speaking of the Chapleau Hospital, Towp Council or any other committee, organization, board, etc. Check out the definition.
ReplyDeleteGUILTY, an armchair lawyer no doubt? I would suspect that there is much more to this story, however, it is people like you that want to stone the guilty and ask questions later and maybe not.
ReplyDeleteDear Mr.X.
ReplyDeleteFunny that alot of people have the same name. Anonymous. Hmmm are they chicken to put their name so that I can defend myself to them in person?
I see some people have their information mistaken AS USUAL, in this town.
First of all let me clear some things up, which I shouldnt have to because it is actually none of anyone's business.
#1- I did go to highschool here but quit at 16 and have worked full time until my unfortunate accident that resulted in me almost loosing my life on numerous occasions b/c of complications from numerous operations.
#2- I still have life threatening problems that need more surgeries.
#3- I WAS NOT DRUNK the night of Wednesday 16th March 2011, as has slanderously been accused on this site and around this town.
#4- I did appoligize to the members that deserved one, as for the 2 members that are on holiday I plan on explaining my stance to them when they return.
#5- I did NOT call the CHS 90th Highschool Reunion Festival committee idiots as has been implied If you were at the meeting as I was you would know it was directed at 2 individuals, not the whole committee.
#6- This grass roots group has nothing to do with me and I was not asked my opinion from any group, or to do anything for them.
#7- If people were to come to more town hall meetings they would know reasons behind councelors decisions and not rely on the opinions of other people.
#8- I was asked to join this CHS committee because there were not enough people to form a committee and since it has started I am the 3rd person to quit.
#9- I must repeat this that I WAS NOT DRUNK. If you can get drunk on 2 Mudshakes that are 5% alcohol in 4 hours then I say you are a lucky person. I enjoy to have one or 2 for a drink.
#10- I will defend myself even though enough of my friends have said to just let it slide next week someone else will be the new gossipp, but as this will have life long reprocussions to my caracter in the future I feel it my need to defend myself.
Thank you Mr. X for this space and I would have responded sooner but I was at the camp of some great friends this weekend.
As a side note I strongly suggest that you set your facebook privacy settings cause I SEE YOU.
I agree with anonymous above. Who are you to decide who is GUILTY of anything let alone an ILLEGAL actvitY???????
ReplyDeleteRight On.
ReplyDeleteStone the 'SO CALLED GUILTY' in your mind and maybe asked questions later and say, well, we didn't know that..
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is check out the facts, leave the gossip and rumours and acquisitations behind, decide for yourself.
Call up the Mayor, the CEO of the hospital etc. better yet, get involved.
Just read the council need to be a rocket scientist! What does the hospital have to do with a PUC boardmember nominating her husband then voting for him. Hello!!!! That is an illegal move. You check out the definition. How about asking questions now, that the guilty have been exposed! If you can read you can determine by your own little self who is guilty or can you?
ReplyDeleteFacts is what you have to deal with.....facts.. If you don't have facts keep you traps closed. Rumours are not what Chapleau needs. Facts are needed. .
ReplyDeleteWhat don't make any sense of what you are are saying Pierette.
ReplyDeleteAnother Narrowed Minded Person - Need I say more, you get the picture.
ReplyDeleteDear Mr. X.
ReplyDeleteFunny that even though I am the only person that leaves their real name on this site or anyother site that I comment on yet people still want to attack me.
#1- I was not drunk the night in question.
#2- What this person has said about me on here is slander, and I now have the right under the law to seek damages from said people.
#3- Everything that I have said on my own facebook page is truth not slander, and I have not mentioned any names on my personal facebook page.
#4 If anyone would like to know the real story to why I quit the CHS committee then all you have to do is ask.
#5 I did not call the CHS reunion committee Idiots as has been implied. I called 2 specific people idiots, and then appoligised to the rest of the board.
#5- I have never ever backed down when someone has put me down and I am not gonna start now.
#6- People that want to comment back to this response had better use their real name and not anonymous.
#7- I had and have NOTHING to do with this grass roots committee and was never approached by them.
#8- I did go to highschool here but quit.
#9- I was asked to join this CHS committee. I did not put my name in to it until I was ASKED to join.
#10- I am an honarable stand up kinda guy. I tell it like it is, I have no room in my life for rumours and back stabbing.
#11- PEOPLE have TO REMEMBER that if it is sent on the internet it is there for ever. You cant just delete your comments there is a record of it.
I have been nothing but honest when posting on this site or other blogs. I have ALWAYS used my real name. I cannot believe how ignorant some people are in trying to cause crap for me but yet post anonymous.
Now let me repeat this again. I WAS NOT DRUNK...
Denis, I hope your comments on facebook about strokes is not your suttle way of badgering a member of council. This confirms that there is no class in this world.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe someone is so disturbed that they would post a comment like the one above. Like really. I know Dennis and he is NOT that type of person but you so obviously are if you can voice a thought like that, disgusting!!!! Chapleau you are dispicable and I am ashamed I am from there :(