Thursday, April 12, 2012

Volunteerism works!

There is ample proof that volunteers are making a difference in our community.  A while back, a bunch of committees were set up to spearhead local initiatives.  One such example is the recreation committee.  Proof that this committee has done well and made a difference is easy to find.  One only has to take the outdoor skating rink (times two) as a shining example of the fine work that this group has done.  While we may not have had the perfect winter for outdoor enthusiasts, the ice surface was around for quite some time.  It was always well maintained by a small army of dedicated volunteers.  Even some of the users of the ice surface would take up the job of shovelling the ice after a dumping of snow.  The place was often very busy with some families even driving in from outside of town to make use of the ice.  Whether just skating or actual games of hockey, I think it's safe to say that everyone enjoyed this great outdoor activity.  None of it would have been possible without the hard work of the recreation committee and the support of the Mayor and council.  This is the kind of success that this town can accomplish and needs to build on to see other future endeavours realized.  I am not entirely familiar with all of the volunteer committees hard at work in Chapleau.  I do know that there is also a museum committee that has been formed.  We all know that our local museum desperately needs some TLC.  Let's hope that our Mayor and council can also get behind this important group and their monumental task.  They need all the help they can get.


  1. Where are the March 5th Council Minutes ?

  2. I was wondering the same thing. It's been a while since I've seen any council minutes in the paper. What's going on?

  3. Have you seen the headline in this weeks local newspaper. It looks like once again, Municipal Council does not appreciate volunteers. Cannnot believe that the motion to accept Jocelyne Bernier on a Board was defeated. Councillor Bertrand and Greig must have an axe to grind. Again these two Councillor's are derailing progress. Where was Councillor Lisi Crighton- Bernier, an unexcused absence? Humm! How many excuses can someone come up with anyways as she seems to be missing many meetings. It's about time that her excuses are no longer accepted. I remember last year when she left in a middle on a Council meeting as she apparantly had a prior engagement. Does she not know ahead when Municipal meetings take place? After all, they are posted months in advanced. But I bet you she still gets paid. My point is this, these councillors are paid to make decisions that reflect what the community wants. It looks to me like they are making decisions that reflect what THEY want and what is in their best interest. Oh wait a minute, is that not a CONFLICT OF INTEREST? Here are local citizens who are VOLUNTEERING their time for the betterment of this community and they get insulted by not being accepted on Boards and Committees when they are more qualified, have more integrity and more dignity than most Council members. Hello, wake up Councillors, you are really sinking the boat and there ain't no life jackets on board.

    1. To answer your question Anonymous, I was on vacation and had neglected to let Allan know I was away. My apologies for upsetting you - no excuses there. As to other absences, I have only missed 3 regularly scheduled meetings this year all due to illness - pink eye in January and a severe cold. Hopefully this answers your question. As to other absences, I work full time and do clear my Monday night schedule normally but due to volunteer, tutoring, trying to spend time with family and running a small home based business my other weekly commitments to attend 'special' scheduled meetings on short notice are difficult to work in. I'm not saying that the town is less important, just that I have made prior commitments and I do not feel it is fair that only retired people should be on council as they have the time but often in my opinion not the energy or connection with the youth. Hopefully that clears up any misconceptions, as we are all entitled to an opinion but is nice to have some facts straight.
      Fortunately, the situation regarding was rectified at a later meeting and she is now a member of the committee.
      Lisi Crichton-Bernier

  4. The two "low-level" councillors...B and G....may think that Jocelyne is not a good choice due to her non "personal-business" history..(WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)..where as the other three choices are local business owners/partners.....

    ..are B and G, f..Nuts !!!!

    Jocelyne has access to, and can advocate for, the RBC's Small Business Loan's Program ..and many other programs that the Royal Bank is offering to smaller communities and smaller investors......
    how is this potential a BAD thing, B and G ???


    Jesuz H Tap Dancin' Cripes !!!!!!!
    ..this Bertrand/Greig sh-- has gotta stop...

    ....NO...I mean's GOT TO STOP !!!

  5. If we had some form of recall legislation, we could give Doug and Rose the collective boot. I doubt they'll get re-elected in 2014, but isn't that too long to wait? Haven't they done enough damage?

    Stay tuned, more to follow.

  6. ahhh, the proverbial Dangling Carrot....
    ..with your "Stay tuned, more to follow"..

    ...cough it up, Sir...what do YOU know that WE,.. don't know. ?

  7. Unfortunately, nothing. I just figured that this important subject deserves more attention (i.e. a bigger article). This latest stunt is the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. I get the feeling that people are genuinely pissed at these two councillors. But what, if anything, can we do about it? Does anyone have any ideas?

    Sorry for teasing you like that. I'll be more careful in the future.
